West Anthem's Alberta Music Cities Grant Program

Applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted their proposal.

Purpose: To fund small-scale, experimental projects that aim to tackle challenges in Alberta’s music scene through radical and innovative approaches. The experiments should align with the tactics, priority directions/areas from West Anthem’s latest municipal music strategies for Edmonton, Calgary, and the rural/small city toolkit (see #4 under eligibility criteria below). 

Who Can Apply: Alberta-based individuals, collectives, organizations, and businesses actively involved in Alberta’s music ecosystem.

Funding Available: Up to $10,000 per experiment.

Application Timeline:

    • Open: December 19, 2024
    • Close: January 31st, 2025 at 4:00pm MST
    • Notification: By February 28, 2025
    • Experiment timeframe: Between March 7 – November 15, 2025

Final Report: Due December 13, 2025

Eligibility Criteria
  1. Be Experimental Generally, the obvious or traditional ideas have been attempted. Your experiment should aim to solve a problem or address a gap in a new, untried way. Focus on implementing small-scale tests or trials (rather than sweeping changes). Ideally, your small tests and trials allow for data collection and adjustment based on feedback –  you can iterate quickly, refining your approach based on what works and doesn’t work.
  2. Be Radical The actions may be small, but the ambition behind the experiments remains radical. Your experiment should aim to challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and/or pursue significant improvements or innovations. For example, experiments can involve new partnerships, innovative models, or test new frameworks in real-world contexts.
  3. Be Alberta-based applicants (individuals, collectives, organizations, and/or businesses) must be Alberta-based and actively involved in Alberta’s music ecosystem (e.g., musicians, venues, promoters, cultural organizations, community groups, etc.). Experiments should directly benefit the local music community where the applicant resides or works. Our general regions of focus are Calgary, Edmonton and Rural and Small City Alberta.
  4. Advance a Priority Area from the Music City Strategies and/or Rural and Small City Toolkit Experiments must align with and demonstrate advancement in one or more of the priority areas outlined in West Anthem’s Music City Strategies or Rural and Small City Toolkit. We didn’t pull these out of a hat. These were developed through a combination of secondary research, one-on-one interviews, small groups, and an online survey, involving more than 500 members of Alberta’s music industry. We listened carefully before advancing these priorities. They can be found at https://www.westanthem.com/musiccitystrategies/. Depending on where your experiment will take place, select the related resource:
    • Resonant Energies: A Music City Strategy for Calgary” See a high level view of Priority Directions on page 15 and a more in-depth dive into priorities and potential tactics that could inspire your experiment on pages 18-30
    • The priority directions include:
      • Increase use of and access to available spaces in Calgary for diverse music activities 
      • Maximize the positive impact of digital tools, particularly for sharing industry information and resources 
      • Forge connections between music and other industries 
      • Implement music-friendly bylaws, policies, and programs 
      • Increase music-dedicated funding 
      • Improve ongoing communication between the music industry, policy makers, and funders 
      • Leverage the strength of diversity in the growing music industry
      • Foster music professionals’ development for long term career viability 
      • Maximize the impacts of music businesses and entrepreneurs
    • Resonant Energies: A Music City Strategy for Edmonton” See a high level view of Priority Directions on page 15 (and below), and a more in-depth dive into priorities and potential tactics that could inspire your experiment on pages 18-31
    • The priority directions include:
      • Increase use of and access to available spaces in Edmonton for diverse music activities.
      • Maximize the positive impact of digital tools, particularly for sharing industry information and resources.
      • Build connections between music and other industries.
      • Implement music-friendly bylaws, policies, and programs.
      • Protect music-dedicated funding.
      • Improve ongoing communication between the music industry, policy makers, and funders
      • Leverage the strength of diversity in the growing music industry.
      • Foster music professionals’ development for long term career viability.
      • Maximize the impacts of music businesses and entrepreneurs.
    • Rural and Small City Toolkit” See the eight broad priority areas by clicking on this link and get more detail by selecting the priority area that interests you
  5. Represent the Local Music Community Experiments should be representative of the diversity and breadth of Alberta’s music scene. This could mean including or benefiting a range of genres, cultural practices, and participants from different areas of the music industry (musicians, venue operators, promoters, sound engineers, etc.).
  6. Think Long Term We want to know how your particular experiment aims for impacts that persist beyond the experiment’s timeframe. This could include things like attracting future support (financial or otherwise) from other partners, scalability for other organizations or communities, or building capacity in the local music scene that will remain after the experiment. Applicants should outline any plans for long-term sustainability or growth, even if modest. We understand that experiments are not guaranteed, but we want to know you intend to learn, no matter the outcome.
  7. One Application per applicant will be accepted.
Key Considerations
  1. Equity-Deserving Groups Applicants from these communities are encouraged to apply, as experiments that prioritize or directly support the advancement of equity-deserving groups in the music industry will be prioritized. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Indigenous Peoples
    • Black and racialized communities
    • Women, gender-diverse, and LGBTQ2S+ individuals
    • People with disabilities
    • People in remote, rural, and underserved areas, including anywhere in Alberta but outside of urban regional areas:
    • Calgary metropolitan area, consisting of: Calgary, Airdrie, Chestermere, Cochrane, Foothills County, High River, Okotoks, Rocky View County
    • Edmonton metropolitan area, consisting of: Edmonton, Beaumont, Devon, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Leduc County, Morinville, Parkland County, St. Albert, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Strathcona County, Sturgeon County
  2. Regional Balance West Anthem aims to fund an equal number of experiments across major municipalities and rural/small city regions to ensure a broad geographic spread of benefits.
  3. Collaborative Approaches Experiments that involve cross-region collaboration or partnerships between urban and rural communities are encouraged, especially if they build stronger networks and connections across Alberta’s music ecosystem. Remember, only one Application per applicant will be accepted.
Grant Application Components
  1. Experiment Overview (section max 500 words)
    • What challenges or opportunities are being tackled? If possible, applicants are encouraged to add information that has data backing the issue, where possible, to show the issue exists. 
    • What experiment do you propose?
    • How does your experiment advance one or more of the music city strategy tactics, priority directions or toolkit ideas?
    • How is your experiment radical and departing from traditional or existing approaches?
  2. Impact (section max 250 words)
    • How does the experiment aim to contribute to Alberta’s music ecosystem? 
    • Who is the experiment impacting?
    • What quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators (KPIs) will be used to measure success? (e.g., audience engagement, community impact, economic impact, professional development outcomes).
    • How will the necessary data points be collected and measured? 
  3. Partnerships
    • List any key partners (if applicable) and their roles in the experiment.
    • Signed letters of commitment from partners (optional, but encouraged).
  4. Budget
    • Detailed draft budget, including how the grant will be allocated (up to $10,000).
    • Any additional funding sources (if applicable).
  5. Timeline
    • Experiment timeline with major milestones. Approved experiments can begin as early as March 7, 2025 (notice to successful applicants will be sent by February 28, 2025). Experiments must be completed by November 15, 2025 with final reports due on December 13, 2025
  6. Project Changes
    • Due to the nature of these projects, approval for project changes are accepted, as long as the scope of the project doesn’t change extensively. Written approval is required prior to execution of the project and/or incurring project expenses. You may submit a request for project changes by emailing info@westanthem.com.
  7. Reporting
    • All applicants must submit a final report no later than 30 days after the completion of the initiative, or by December 13, 2025, whichever comes first.
    • The Report Must Include:
      • Completed budget including all originally projected costs and the actual costs associated with the project. The final report budget template will be provided upon approval of a grant.
      • Keep receipts for all approved expenditures, as projects may be audited.
      • General description and results of how the initiative was received
      • Photos/video of project (where available), with photo credits
    • Failure to submit a final report will make the applicant ineligible for further funding from West Anthem and will result in the applicant being requested to return the funds approved.
Selection Criteria
  1. Innovation & Radical Intent (25%):
    • The degree to which the proposal is experimental, innovative, and aims for radical change.
  2. Relevance to West Anthem’s Strategies/Toolkit (25%):
    • How well the experiment aligns with one or more of the music city strategy tactics, priority directions or toolkit ideas.
  3. Impact on Alberta’s Music Scene and Sustainability (25%):
    • Potential to contribute positively and sustainably to the local music ecosystem.
    • What is the impact and longevity of the experiment beyond this initial funding?
    • How well can the proposed impact be measured and/or demonstrated?
  4. Feasibility (25%):
    • Strength of the experiment plan, including partnerships, budget, timeline and reporting plan.
Application Process
  1. Submission Form: Applications to be submitted via an online form on the West Anthem website.
  2. Application Support:
  3. Accessibility Statement (courtesy of Calgary Arts Development)We understand that our programs and processes create barriers to access for many artists and organizations who want to apply. For example, our programs are written in English and shared online, and applicants usually have to submit written applications and reports, online and in English. This can create language barriers, communication barriers, cultural barriers and technological barriers, just to name a few.In recognition of these barriers, our program staff are available to give support to applicants.These supports are outlined in detail below:
    • Staff Support for Applicants: West Anthem grant program staff are here to help you understand our programs, eligibility and how to apply.
    • Support is available at every stage of the application process, including before, during and after you receive a grant, funding or commission.
    • If you have questions or want feedback on your application, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly for support. Staff will do their best to answer questions and provide feedback on your application up to 10 business days before application deadlines. Please contact us as early as possible so we can give you the best support possible.
    • Staff will do our best to give support over the phone, email, in person, or through audio and video platforms.
    • We will work one-on-one with potential applicants who experience barriers, and we will develop accommodations that suit their abilities and situations. Some examples of available accommodations are:
      • Translation of written materials into other languages.
      • Verbal video or audio applications. If you prefer to answer application questions verbally, you can submit an audio or video recording of yourself, or our staff can help record your responses using an online platform, such as Zoom.

    The best person to reach out to for staff support is the main contact listed in the guidelines for the program. These supports and accommodations work together to help give all applicants fair and equitable access. Please reach out early if you have any questions or feedback.

Evaluation Process
  1. Initial Screening: Ensure all required components are included and meet eligibility criteria.
  2. Jury Review: A diverse panel of music industry professionals, cultural leaders, and West Anthem representatives will review and score the applications.
  3. Notification: Applicants will be notified by February 28, 2025, and experiments can commence by March 7, 2025.
  1. Funding is solely intended for the purposes described in your application. By accepting funding, you agree to carry out the experiment as outlined in your original project description.
  2. If you do not receive the full grant amount requested, you are still required to complete the project as proposed, if you accept the grant.
  3. You must return the grant funds if the project cannot be completed as originally proposed.
  4. If you need to make changes to your project, such as adjustments to outcomes, location, or an extension to your final report due date:
    • You must submit a written request for approval to West Anthem before making the change.
    • Requests must be submitted prior to the project completion date.
    • West Anthem may approve one change in scope or an extension per grant.
  5. Grant recipients are responsible for providing details on how funds were spent and the outcomes of their project:
    • You must return funds if reporting requirements are not met.
    • Unused portions of funding must be returned to West Anthem.
    • Failure to meet the reporting requirements, fulfill any conditions associated with the grant, or submit a satisfactory final report by the deadline outlined in your grant approval document will result in the recipient being ineligible for future funding from West Anthem until the delinquency is resolved.
  6. New applications (to possible future West Anthem grant programs) will not be accepted until your previous project is completed, and the final report has been submitted and approved by West Anthem.
  7. Past recipients must have met all reporting requirements to be eligible for subsequent funding from this program.
  8. West Anthem reserves the right to audit a grant recipient’s financial and other records to ensure that funds are used as intended.
  9. A complete and satisfactory final report must be submitted to West Anthem, including evidence that funding was used for the activities described in your application
  10. Acknowledgement of Funding
    • Whenever possible, you must acknowledge West Anthem’s financial support in any publicity related to the project, including electronic, print, or visual materials.
Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  • What is the purpose of this grant program?
    The program funds small-scale, experimental projects that tackle complex challenges in Alberta’s music scene through radical and innovative approaches. These experiments should align with West Anthem’s municipal music strategies for Edmonton, Calgary, or the Rural/Small City Toolkit.
  • Who can apply for the grant?
    Individuals, collectives, organizations, and businesses based in Alberta and actively involved in the music ecosystem are eligible to apply.
  • How much funding is available?
    Applicants can receive up to $10,000 per experiment.
  • When can I apply?
    Applications open on December 16, 2024, and close on January 27, 2025.
  • When will I know if my application is successful?
    Successful applicants will be notified by February 28, 2025.


  • Do I need to be based in Alberta to apply?
    Yes, all applicants must reside in Alberta and demonstrate active involvement in Alberta’s music ecosystem.
  • Does the experiment need to take place in Alberta?
    No, but you must demonstrate the reasoning behind why your project (outside of Alberta) aligns with one or more of the priority areas outlined in the strategies for Calgary, Edmonton, or the Rural/Small City Toolkit and how it will benefit Alberta
  • Can I apply for more than one experiment?
    No, only one application per applicant will be accepted.
  • Does my experiment need to align with West Anthem’s music strategies?
    Yes, your experiment must align with one or more of the priority areas outlined in the strategies for Calgary, Edmonton, or the Rural/Small City Toolkit.
  • Are projects targeting equity-deserving groups prioritized?
    Yes, experiments that prioritize or support equity-deserving groups (e.g., Indigenous Peoples, women, LGBTQ2S+, individuals with disabilities, rural/underserved communities) will be prioritized.

Funding and Project Changes

  •  What is the funding intended for?
    Funding is intended to support the activities and outcomes described in your application. By accepting the grant, you agree to complete the experiment as proposed.
  • What if I don’t receive the full grant amount I requested?
    If you accept the grant, you are still required to complete the project as outlined in your original application. If the project cannot proceed, you must return the funds.
  • Can I make changes to my project after receiving funding?
    Yes, but you must submit a written request to West Anthem for approval before making changes to outcomes, location, or timelines. Only one change in scope or extension may be approved per grant.
  • What happens if my project changes significantly?
    If your project changes significantly and cannot align with your original proposal, you may be required to return the funding.
  • What happens to unused funds?
    Any unused portions of the funding must be returned to West Anthem.

Reporting and Accountability

  • What are the reporting requirements?
    All grant recipients must submit a final report by December 13, 2025, or within 30 days of completing the project, whichever comes first. The report must include:
    • A completed budget showing all actual costs.
    • Receipts for all major, approved expenditures.
    • Results and outcomes of the experiment, including quantitative and qualitative data.
    • Photos or videos of the project, if available.
  •  What happens if I don’t submit my final report?
    Failure to submit a satisfactory report will make you ineligible for future funding from West Anthem. You may also be required to return the approved funds.
  • Can West Anthem audit my project?
    Yes, West Anthem reserves the right to audit your financial and project records to ensure the funding was used appropriately.
  • Do I need to acknowledge West Anthem in my project?
    Yes, whenever possible, you must acknowledge West Anthem’s support in any publicity related to the project, including electronic, print, or visual materials.

Application Process

  •  How do I submit my application?
    Applications must be submitted online through the West Anthem website.
  • Can I get help with my application?
    – Yes, you can contact info@westanthem.com for assistance with your application.
    – If you are facing a barrier to complete this application, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will do our best to help reduce or eliminate the barrier and assist you with your application. 

Additional Questions

  • How will my application be evaluated?
    Applications are evaluated based on:
    • Innovation and radical intent (25%)
    • Relevance to West Anthem’s strategies (25%)
    • Impact and sustainability (25%)
    • Feasibility (25%)
  • Can I collaborate with other organizations or regions?
    Yes, collaborative approaches are encouraged, especially those connecting urban and rural communities or fostering partnerships across the music ecosystem.

What happens if my question isn’t answered here?
Please contact info@westanthem.com for further assistance.


Hours of Operation

Monday  Closed
Tuesday  Closed
Wednesday  Closed
Thursday  Closed
Friday   11AM – Close
Saturday   11AM – Close
Sunday  11AM – 7PM

*These hours are subject to changes depending on programming.